
Distrobox (and/or Toolbx) is an integral part of Fedora Atomic, being one of the main methods of installing software, it lets you run your applications inside of Podman containers. Distrobox can actually be used on any Linux system that is capable of running Podman, but it is especially useful on Atomic hosts. Distrobox is more tightly integrated with your host OS than Docker or Podman containers normally are. Distrobox containers share the same /home directory with the host (bind mounted), and they live in the same network and process namespace as the host (i.e., they share the same IP addresses, and you can run ps or kill from inside the distrobox, and it will see/affect the host.) Distrobox containers are not sandboxed like normal Docker containers are, but they are a convenience for installing/removing software on Atomic hosts, since the host filesystem is read-only (but read-write inside of a container). The applications you install in the container will live only inside the distrobox.

The killer feature of a distrobox is that it lets you try things out, and if you want to start over, you can just delete the distrobox container, and create a new one. You are less likely to mess up the host by playing around inside the distrobox. Just remember that /home is bind mounted to the host, and so if you change or delete things in those directories, they are also affected the same way on the host. u

Dev distrobox (Fedora)

Let’s create a distrobox to install some of the common development tools we will use on a daily basis.


In EnigmaCurry’s sway config there is a fedora-dev.sh script and alias that sets up the container automatically:

Run this in the dev distrobox
## Automatic install:
Run this in the dev distrobox
## Alias to enter the container:

If you are using this script, the rest of the commands in this chapter that are labeled Manual install may be skipped.

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
## Manual install:
distrobox create dev

This will create a new distrobox container called dev.

By default, the container image that distrobox selects is the same OS version as the host. (eg. If the host is running Fedora Atomic Sway 40, the distrobox will run Fedora Workstation 40.)

To enter the distrobox run:

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
## Manual method:
distrobox enter dev

This will enter the distrobox container, and now you can install extra software:

Run this in the dev distrobox
## Manual install:
sudo dnf install keychain htop gettext libwebp-tools flatpak-xdg-utils
sudo dnf groupinstall "Development Tools" "Development Libraries"

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/flatpak-xdg-open /usr/local/bin/xdg-open

Arch Linux distrobox

You are not limited to using the default distrobox image, in fact you can run any container image you want, or even build your own from a Dockerfile. Here is how to build a custom Arch Linux container image:


In EnigmaCurry’s sway config there is a arch-dev.sh script and alias that sets up the container automatically:

Run this in the dev distrobox
## Automatic install:
Run this in the dev distrobox
## Alias to enter container:

If you are using this script, the rest of the commands in this chapter that are labeled Manual install may be skipped.

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
## Manual install:
(set -e
mkdir -p ~/toolbox/${IMAGE}
cat << 'EOF' > ~/toolbox/${IMAGE}/Dockerfile
## http://book.rymcg.tech/linux-workstation/config/toolbox/#arch-linux-toolbox
FROM docker.io/archlinux/archlinux:latest
ENV NAME=arch-toolbox VERSION=rolling
LABEL com.github.containers.toolbox="true" name=${IMAGE}-toolbox
RUN pacman -Syu --noconfirm \
    && pacman  -S --noconfirm sudo inetutils less \
       git base-devel go \
       noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk \
       noto-fonts-emoji noto-fonts-extra \
    && pacman -Scc --noconfirm \
    && echo "%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/toolbox
RUN sudo -u nobody git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay-bin.git /tmp/yay \
    && cd /tmp/yay \
    && sudo -u nobody makepkg -s \
    && pacman -U --noconfirm yay-bin-*.pkg.tar.zst
CMD ["bash"]
podman build -t ${IMAGE} ~/toolbox/${IMAGE}

Now you can create a new distrobox based on the new image (both called arch):

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
## Manual install:
distrobox create --image arch arch

To enter the Arch Linux container, run:

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
## Manual method:
distrobox enter arch

Now that you’re inside the distrobox, you can run any Arch Linux command (consult the Arch Wiki).

Run this inside the arch distrobox
## Manual install:
sudo pacman -Syu
sudo pacman -S keychain base-devel

Managing distrobox containers

You can list all of your distroboxes that you’ve created:

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
distrobox list

You can remove existing distroboxes:

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
distrobox rm --force arch

(force is only required if the distrobox is currently running.)

Host spawn

host-spawn is a program you can install inside of a distrobox, to run commands on the host.

Install host-spawn inside Fedora container

Run this in your distrobox container:
## Manual install:
sudo dnf install host-spawn

Install host-spawn inside Arch Linux container

Build and install host-spawn on Arch Linux
## Manual install:
(set -e
rm -f ${BUILD_DIR}/*.zst
mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR}
pkgdesc='Run commands on your host machine from inside your flatpak sandbox, distrobox or distrobox containers.'
package() {
  cd "${pkgname%-git}"
  ./build.sh $(uname -m)
  install -Dm 555 build/host-spawn-$(uname -m) \
pkgver() {
  cd "${pkgname%-git}"
  git describe --long --tags | sed 's/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
sudo pacman -U host-spawn-*.zst

Run host programs

Once you install host-spawn inside your container, you can use it to run any host command:

Run this in your distrobox container:
host-spawn distrobox list

This will invoke distrobox on the host.

Create host program shims

Run this in your distrobox container:
## Manual install:
sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/host-spawn /usr/local/bin/toolbox
sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/host-spawn /usr/local/bin/distrobox
sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/host-spawn /usr/local/bin/podman
sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/host-spawn /usr/local/bin/flatpak
sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/host-spawn /usr/local/bin/firefox

This will allow you to run the host programs toolbox, podman and flatpak, from inside the container, without needing to run host-spawn directly.