Step-CA (mutual TLS)
Mutual TLS (mTLS) is a form of transport security where both the client and server authenticate each other using digital certificates. Unlike traditional TLS (e.g., Let’s Encrypt), where only the server’s identity is verified, mTLS provides mutual verification of the server and client, making it ideal for protecting data exchanges in interconnected environments like microservices and zero-trust architectures. By using certificates issued by trusted Certificate Authorities (CA), mTLS prevents unauthorized access and guarantees that both parties using a communication channel are legitimate.

Step-CA is an open source Certificate Authority (CA) and an Automated Certificate Management Enviornment (ACME). You can self-host Step-CA and use it to add secure mTLS authentication in all of your applications and infrastructure.
This chapter is focused soley on enhancing client authentication with mTLS, but it still uses the Let’s Encrypt CA for the server certificates. If you don’t want to rely upon Let’s Encrypt, and you want to run a fully self-hosted Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) for all of your services, please see the appendix chapter Private ACME.
Although primarily used for machine-to-machine communication, mTLS can also be used in the web browser to provide strong end-user client authentication, enhancing security for sensitive web applications. This is an advanced topic, and will be discussed in the appendix chapter Mutual TLS for Web and Mobile.
Configure Step-CA
pi make step-ca config
Set the hostname for Step-CA itself:
STEP_CA_TRAEFIK_HOST: Enter the step-ca domain name (eg. :
Set the allowed list of domains to create certificates for:
STEP_CA_AUTHORITY_POLICY_X509_ALLOW_DNS: Enter the list of allowed domain wildcards (comma separated) (eg. *,* : *
In an earlier chapter Traefik was setup with ACME. All of the
server-side applications on your Raspberry Pi already have automatic
TLS certificates issued via Let’s Encrypt, which is a free and public
CA, therfore, in this example Step-CA will not be required for any
server-side certificates. Lets Encrypt does not support requesting
client certificates, so Step-CA will be required only to create and
verify the client-side certificates (*
In this mode, mTLS authentication works like this:
- The server will verify the client’s certificate using the Step-CA authority, whose root certificate must be added to the server’s trust store during install.
- The client will verify the server’s certificate using the Let’s Encrypt authority, whose root certificate is already widely trusted in most operating systems factory default settings, which simplifies installation.
--- title: Mutual TLS with two separate Certificate Authorities --- sequenceDiagram title Mutual TLS with two separate Certificate Authorities participant Client participant StepCA as Step CA participant Server participant LetsEncrypt as Let's Encrypt CA Client->>StepCA: Requests new client certificate StepCA->>Client: Receives new client certificate Server->>LetsEncrypt: Requests new server certificate LetsEncrypt->>Server: Receives new server certificate Client->>Server: Sends Step-CA signed request Server->>Client: Receives Let's Encrypt signed response
Theoretically you could just use Step-CA for both sides, but this would require modifying the root certificate store on every client, which is a risky and complex procedure, and ultimately unnecessary because Let’s Encrypt is already commonly trusted by all operating systems and browsers.
Each client certificate must have a unique name (CN) written in domain
name format (e.g.,
), but this does not
need to resolve to any IP address. Each certificate can have an
arbitrary name as long as it matches the Step-CA policy
). The certificate name is
used as the transport authentication id (essentially used as a
username), and it is forwarded to your backend HTTP services through a
trusted header X-Client-CN
for the purpose of secondary
authorization by the app itself.
Define default TLS certificate expiration
By default, TLS certificates are valid for 7 days, and then must be re-issued. You can customize the certificate durations in the config. There are three limits defined:
the minimum duration a certificate may be requested for, 5 minutes by default.STEP_CA_AUTHORITY_CLAIMS_MAX_TLS_CERT_DURATION=2160h
the maximum duration a certificate may be requested for, 90 days be default.STEP_CA_AUTHORITY_CLAIMS_DEFAULT_TLS_CERT_DURATION=168h
the default duration a certificate will be issued for if the client does not specify one, 7 days by default.
## Increase the minimum duration to 1 day:
pi make step-ca reconfigure var=STEP_CA_AUTHORITY_CLAIMS_MIN_TLS_CERT_DURATION=24h
## Increase the maximum duration to 1 year:
pi make step-ca reconfigure var=STEP_CA_AUTHORITY_CLAIMS_MAX_TLS_CERT_DURATION=8760h
## Increase the default duration to 90 days:
pi make step-ca reconfigure var=STEP_CA_AUTHORITY_CLAIMS_DEFAULT_TLS_CERT_DURATION=2160h
Install Step-CA
pi make step-ca install wait
Retrieve the admin password
The admin password is printed in the container logs only the first time it starts. Retrieve it by running:
pi make step-ca logs-out | grep password
Save this password to a safe place, you will need it everytime you sign a new (non-ACME) certificate.
Finish Step-CA configuration by restarting the service
After installation, you must restart Step-CA one more time to finish
the setup procedure. This will finalize the configuration in
## Re-install forces the service to restart:
pi make step-ca reinstall
This also has a side effect of clearing the admin password from the logs, hope you saved it!
Retrieve the server CA cert fingerprint:
pi make step-ca inspect-fingerprint
The fingerprint is the public identifier of the Step-CA root certificate. Copy it into your clipboard for use in the next section.
Reconfigure Traefik
pi make traefik config
Configure Traefik for mTLS
? Traefik: > Config Install (make install) Admin Exit (ESC) ? Traefik Configuration: Traefik user Entrypoints (including dashboard) > TLS certificates and authorities Middleware (including sentry auth) Advanced Routing (Layer 7 / Layer 4 / Wireguard) Error page template v Logging level ? Traefik TLS config: > Configure certificate authorities (CA) Configure ACME (Let's Encrypt or Step-CA) Configure TLS certificates (make certs) ? How do you want to configure the list of trusted Certificate Authorities (CA)? Use the stock list, (alpine: ca-certificates ca-certificates-bundle). > Use the stock list, plus add my own root Step-CA certificate. Delete the entire list, and add my own root Step-CA certificate. Delete the entire list. Cancel / Go back.
Enter the Step-CA endpoint URL:
TRAEFIK_STEP_CA_ENDPOINT: Enter your Step-CA endpoint URL (eg. :
You will need to paste the fingerprint you copied from the last section into the answer for the next question:
TRAEFIK_STEP_CA_FINGERPRINT: Enter your Step-CA root CA certificate fingerprint (eg. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Press ESC
two times to go back to the main menu, then re-install
? Traefik: Config > Install (make install) Admin Exit (ESC)
After installation, press ESC
to quit the config tool.
Add a new route on the sentry
sentry route set pi
You may also create the route interactively through the Traefik config menu.
Log in with the step-cli client
pi make step-ca client-bootstrap
The root certificate has been saved in /home/pi/.step/certs/root_ca.crt. The authority configuration has been saved in /home/pi/.step/config/defaults.json.
Create certificates
Do this anytime you wish to create a new client certificate:
pi make step-ca cert
Enter the client certificate name (CN):
Enter the subject (CN) to be certified, a domain name, or a client name :
When signing certificates, you need to enter the step-ca root admin passphrase, and then the certificates will be signed:
Please enter the password to decrypt the provisioner key: xxxxx ✔ Provisioner: admin (JWK) ✔ Certificate: certs/ ✔ Private Key: certs/
The next question asks you to set a temporary passphrase to encrypt
the .p12
formatted client key.
Please enter a password to encrypt the .p12 file:
The p12
password should NOT be the same as the root CA password! It
should be a separate password that you will share with the end user,
so that they can unlock the certificate you are giving them.
Finally you will see some details printed about the issued certificate.
Certificate: Data: ..... Validity Not Before: Oct 19 17:51:27 2024 UTC Not After : Oct 26 17:52:27 2024 UTC Subject:
The client certificate foo
has been written to the step-ca/certs
directory (.e.g.,
This is the public certificate for thefoo
This is the private key for thefoo
certificate. This file is
This is also the private key for thefoo
certificate written in a different format that is used on some devices, this file is encrypted with the temporary passphrase you chose and needs to be provided to the client when installing the certificate.
Configure apps for mTLS
For demo purposes, enable mTLS for the whoami
pi make whoami config
WHOAMI_TRAEFIK_HOST: Enter the whoami domain name (eg. : ? Do you want to enable sentry authorization in front of this app (effectively making the entire site private)? No Yes, with HTTP Basic Authentication Yes, with Oauth2 > Yes, with Mutual TLS (mTLS) WHOAMI_MTLS_AUTHORIZED_CERTS: Enter comma separated list of allowed client certificate names (or blank to allow all) (eg. * : *
Make sure to enter the same authorized cert wildcard that matches your
client certificate, otherwise you will encounter the error No matching DNS names.
Re-install whoami:
pi make whoami install
Test the service without specifying a certificate:
You should now receive one of the following errors, both indicating that a client certificate is required:
curl: (56) OpenSSL SSL_read: OpenSSL/3.0.14: error:0A00045C:SSL routines::tlsv13 alert certificate required, errno 0 curl: (55) getpeername() failed with errno 107: Transport endpoint is not connected
Now test it with your client certificate:
curl \
--cert ${CERTS}/${NAME}.crt \
--key ${CERTS}/${NAME}.key
With the correctly supplied certificate and key, the server now resolves to the whoami response:
Name: default Hostname: 427db0a29c30 IP: IP: ::1 IP: RemoteAddr: GET / HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: curl/7.88.1 Accept: */* Accept-Encoding: gzip X-Client-Cn: X-Forwarded-For: X-Forwarded-Host: X-Forwarded-Port: 443 X-Forwarded-Proto: https X-Forwarded-Server: pi5 X-Forwarded-User: X-Real-Ip:
Notice that there are two headers sent to the whoami backend:
These two headers contain the same information, identifying the client cert id to the backend server. Either of these may be used for secondary authorization in your app.