SFTP (and Thttpd)

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) is a standard and secure method of transferring files. There are clients available for all platforms. You can configure an SFTP server to send and receive files directly with your Docker volumes.

Install a demo web server (thttpd)

Thttpd is a tiny static HTTP server for hosting websites. It will be used for demonstration purposes in showing the effect of transferring files directly into its volume, via SFTP. You can substitute this with Nginx if you prefer. This same approach will work with any Docker volume.

Configure thttpd

Run this on the Raspberry Pi
pi make thttpd config

Thttpd will serve a website at a URL of your choosing:

THTTPD_TRAEFIK_HOST: Enter the website domain name (eg. thttpd.example.com)

: www.pi.example.com

? Do you want to enable sentry authorization in front of this app (effectively making the entire site private)?
> No
  Yes, with HTTP Basic Authentication
  Yes, with Oauth2
  Yes, with Mutual TLS (mTLS)

Install thttpd:

Run this on the Raspberry Pi
pi make thttpd install

Configure the thttpd route on the sentry

Run this on the Raspberry Pi
sentry make traefik config
? Traefik:
> Config
  Install (make install)
  Exit (ESC)

? Traefik Configuration:
^ Entrypoints (including dashboard)
  TLS certificates and authorities
  Middleware (including sentry auth)
> Advanced Routing (Layer 7 / Layer 4 / Wireguard)
  Error page template
  Logging level
  Access logs

? Traefik routes
> Configure layer 7 TLS proxy
  Configure layer 4 TCP/UDP proxy
  Configure wireguard VPN

? Layer 7 TLS Proxy:
  List layer 7 ingress routes
> Add new layer 7 ingress route
  Remove layer 7 ingress routes
  Disable layer 7 TLS Proxy

Enter the public domain (SNI) for the route:

: www.pi.example.com

Enter the destination IP address to forward to:


Enter the destination TCP port to forward to:

: 443

> Do you want to enable Proxy Protocol for this route? Yes

Press ESC three times to go back to the main menu, then re-install Traefik:

? Traefik:
> Install (make install)
  Exit (ESC)

Once re-installed, press ESC to quit the config tool.

Open the website in your browser

  • Open https://www.pi.example.com in your web browser.
  • Because there are no files uploaded yet, the page will show only an index:

Configure SFTP

Run this on the Raspberry Pi
pi make sftp config
SFTP_PORT: Enter the public SSH port (eg. 2223)

: 2223

SFTP_USERS: Enter the user:uid list (eg. ryan:1000,gary:1001)

: www:54321
Use the same UID as thttpd

The thttpd container has a user with UID 54321, so the SFTP user (www) has to have the same UID 54321.

SFTP_VOLUMES: Enter the volume:user:mount list (can be blank)

: thttpd_files:www:public_html

The SFTP_VOLUMES setting is a list of 3-tuple separated by the character :

  1. The Docker volume to mount (e.g., thttpd_files)
  2. The SFTP user that should own the mountpoint (e.g., www.)
  3. An arbitrary mount point sub-directory, only visible to the SFTP user

In the example above, the Docker volume named thttpd_files is mounted inside the www user’s SFTP home directory, in a sub-directory named public_html.

The user may have access to multiple volumes, each with a different mount point. Additional volumes may be mounted as a comma separated list of 3-tuples:


If mounting multiple volumes under one SFTP user, all volume files must share the same owner. If the files require different ownership, you must use different SFTP users.

Install sftp:

Run this on the Raspberry Pi
pi make sftp install

Enable SFTP traffic

Enable the SFTP entrypoint on the sentry

Run this on the Raspberry Pi
sentry make traefik config
? Traefik:
> Config
  Install (make install)
  Exit (ESC)

? Traefik Configuration:
  Traefik user
> Entrypoints (including dashboard)
  TLS certificates and authorities
  Middleware (including sentry auth)
  Advanced Routing (Layer 7 / Layer 4 / Wireguard)
  Error page template
v Logging level

? Traefik entrypoint config
  Show enabled entrypoints
  Configure stock entrypoints
> Configure custom entrypoints

? Custom Entrypoints:
  List custom entrypoints
> Add new custom entrypoint
  Remove custom entrypoints

Enter the new entrypoint name:

: sftp

Enter the entrypoint listen address:


Enter the entrypoint port:

: 2223

Enter the protocol (tcp or udp):

: tcp

? Is this entrypoint downstream from another trusted proxy?
> No, clients dial directly to this server. (Turn off Proxy Protocol)
  Yes, clients are proxied through another trusted proxy. (Turn on Proxoy Protocol)
Do not enable Proxy Protocol

SSH does not support Proxy Protocol, so be sure to disable it.

Press ESC three times to go back to the main menu.

Create the SFTP route on the sentry

? Traefik:
> Config
  Install (make install)
  Exit (ESC)

? Traefik Configuration:
^ Entrypoints (including dashboard)
  TLS certificates and authorities
  Middleware (including sentry auth)
> Advanced Routing (Layer 7 / Layer 4 / Wireguard)
  Error page template
  Logging level
  Access logs

? Traefik routes
  Configure layer 7 TLS proxy
> Configure layer 4 TCP/UDP proxy
  Configure wireguard VPN

? Layer 4 TCP/UDP Proxy:
  List layer 4 ingress routes
> Add new layer 4 ingress route
  Remove layer 4 ingress routes
  Disable layer 4 TCP/UDP Proxy

? Entrypoint
> sftp

Enter the destination IP address to forward to:


Enter the destination TCP port to forward to:

: 2223

> Do you want to enable Proxy Protocol for this route? No
Do not enable Proxy Protocol

SSH does not support Proxy Protocol, so be sure to disable it.

Press ESC three times to go back to the main menu, then re-install Traefik:

? Traefik:
> Install (make install)
  Exit (ESC)

Once re-installed, press ESC to exit the config tool.

Authorize your client’s SSH public key

Copy the contents of your SSH pubkey from your personal workstation to your clipboard:

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
## Your key may be in a different location
cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub

Authorize the key to access the server:

Run this on the Raspberry Pi
pi make sftp ssh-authorize-key

Enter the information at the prompt:

Which SSH username do you want to add a key for? : www
Enter the SSH public key : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Enter the SSH username (e.g., www.)
  • Paste the SSH key from your clipboard, then press Enter.

If you want to authorize multiple keys, repeat the last step. (If you want to remove all the authorized keys for a user, run pi make sftp ssh-clear-id and it will prompt for you to enter the username.)

Configure your personal workstation as a client

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
cat <<EOF >> ~/.ssh/config
Host sftp.pi.example.com
    User www
    Port 2223
    ControlMaster auto
    ControlPersist yes
    ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%u-%r@%h:%p

Test connecting:

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
sftp sftp.pi.example.com
The authenticity of host '[sftp.pi.example.com]:2223 ([X.X.X.X]:2223)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
This key is not known by any other names.

Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes

If connected successfully, you should see the sftp> prompt. Type ls and you should see the public_html sub-directory listed:

sftp> ls

Press Ctrl-D to quit.

Test uploading a new index.html to thttpd volume

Create a temporary test folder on your personal workstation and create an index.html file:

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
cd $(mktemp -d)
echo '<h1>Hello, World!</h1>' > index.html

Copy the files to the server into the public_html folder:

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
scp index.html sftp.pi.example.com:public_html/

Refresh the website in your browser

The new page should now be public (e.g., https://www.pi.example.com):

Use Rclone to synchronize whole directories to SFTP

Unfortunately, the traditional tool rsync only works with SSH, not SFTP. An alternative tool named Rclone can be used in place of it.

  • On your personal workstation, install rclone via your package manager (preferred) or from the official site.

Create rclone config file

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
mkdir -p ~/.config/rclone

cat <<EOF >> ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf
type = sftp
host = pi.example.com
user = www
port = 2223

How to use rclone

Read the rclone docs for comprehensive usage information.

List all the remote files

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
rclone ls pi:
2 public_html/.gitignore
23 public_html/index.html

Syncronize a local directory to the remote public_html folder

Sync the current directory ( . ):

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
## dangerous:
rclone -v sync . pi:public_html/

This is a potentially destructive command: it makes the remote directory exactly like your local directory. All existing files in the remote destination directory are deleted if they do not exist locally.


It is recommended to create an alias so that you don’t fat-finger the sync command. For example, setup your local web root in your home directory ~/public_html:

[bash]: Run this on your workstation:
mkdir -p ~/public_html

Next create this alias in your ~/.bashrc file:

alias sync-web="rclone -v sync ~/public_html pi:public_html/"

Then run the alias whenever you want to sync your local website to the remote public site:

[bash]: Run this on your workstation: