To VLAN or not to VLAN?

Let’s recap what has been accomplished so far:

title: A basic native LAN router
graph LR
    A[LAN Client 1]
    B[...LAN Client X]
    C[LAN switch]
    D[LAN <<< Router >>> WAN]

A --> C
B --> C
C --> D
D --> E
  • Proxmox has been installed to create a router VM with PCI passthrough of two physical network interfaces.
  • The VM uses one interface for the LAN and the other interface for the WAN, and they are renamed lan and wan respectively.
  • The router forwards connections from lan to wan (IP masquerade / SNAT), providing Internet access to the LAN clients.
  • The router forwards connections from wan to specific routes on lan (DNAT), making select services available from the Internet.
  • The router provides a DHCP and DNS service to the LAN, which assists LAN clients to get online quickly with minimal client side config.
  • Up to 254 LAN clients can share the same switch and router and all clients will be on the same native subnet.

A basic LAN router doesn’t need anything more than this. If this is all you need you can stop right here.

But don’t you need more than one LAN?

The major drawback of this architecture is the last point:

  • Up to 254 LAN clients can share the same switch and router and all clients will be on the same native subnet.

This means that all the clients connected to the switch are on the same physical network and they can all talk to each other. This is fine (even desirable) in the simple case where you only have a few clients and they are all friends and they all trust each other, but security is pretty lax with this strategy.

Most likely you have some devices that don’t need to (and shouldn’t) talk to each other. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to have multiple segmented networks, for different purposes? For example, a normal LAN network for the family, an office network for work, an IoT network for home automation, etc.

If your router has additional network interfaces you can just create additional networks. If you buy another couple of switches, you can end up with something like this:

title: Several segmented physical LANs

graph LR
    A[Family PC 1]
    B[Family Printer]
    C[LAN switch]
    H[Office workstation]
    F[Office switch]
    I[Camera 1]
    G[IoT switch]

A --> C
B --> C
C --> D
F --> D
G --> D
H --> F
I --> G
D --> E

This physically segmented archicture is fine, but it has some major drawbacks as well:

  • Its a lot of ethernet cables.
  • Unless you run more than one cable to each room, a client’s network subnet is determined by its room location. You can’t do work in the family den. You can’t print from the office.
  • The number of LANs you can create is limited by the number of physical interfaces on your router.

This chapter will discuss a superiour strategy: VLANs

  • VLANs allow multiple segmented networks to share a single ethernet cable (up to 4096 VLANs).
  • VLANs require a “managed” network switch, which means it has an admin tool that allows you to configure each switch port to be on a different (or multiple) VLANs.
  • If you put a VLAN aware switch in each room, you only need one cable going to each room, and you can setup clients in that room to access any of your VLANs.

The VLAN architecture looks like this:

title: Several virtual LANs on one VLAN aware switch

graph LR
    A[Family PC 1 - LAN]
    B[Family Printer - LAN]
    C[VLAN aware switch]
    H[Office workstation - OFFICE]
    I[Camera 1 - IOT]

A --> C
B --> C
C --> D
H --> C
I --> C
D --> E