Immich is an open-source self-hosted photo and video management solution.

Configure Immich
Run this on the Raspberry Pi
pi make immich config
IMMICH_TRAEFIK_HOST: Enter the Immich domain name (e.g., : ? Do you want to enable sentry authorization in front of this app (effectively making the entire site private)? > No Yes, with HTTP Basic Authentication Yes, with Oauth2 Yes, with Mutual TLS (mTLS) ? Select the hardware acceleration to use for machine learning > CPU ... ? Select the hardware acceleration to use for transcoding > CPU ... ? Select whether you want Immich to upload images to a bind mount on the host or to a named Docker volume bind mount > Docker volume
Run this on the Raspberry Pi
pi make immich install wait
Wait for the services to start and report themselves as healthy:
Waiting until all services are started and become healthy ... All services healthy.
Add a new route on the sentry
Run this on your Raspberry Pi
sentry route set pi
You may also create the route interactively through the Traefik config menu.
The app is now deployed at the URL you configured:
Immediately secure the admin account
You should immediately open the URL in your web browser:
and complete the initial
configuration to secure the admin user account.